Well once again we are on the road... well we've been on the road quite a bit since the last post, however I finally remembered to post something on the blog...
We are currently exploring Minneapolis Minnesota. We have been at the Mall of America for the last 2 days enjoying the Indoor amusement park, Coga loves it! He has been on nearly all the major rides, he's discovered he has an inner Coaster fiend... I'm afraid that he has become enthralled with the big Coasters! I know there is no going back now, we will always have our days and memories of riding the choo choo trains and air planes. LOL
Well this new years eve, we will be kicking it on a hill catching some fluff and tubing! I don't know how my back will react to this but I think I'll give it a go anyways...
So to the family who's back at home, Happy New Year! To all the friends who are out and about stay safe and to the future that is upon us, I am hopeful that all our dreams and desires will be fulfilled!
Take Care! and I probably won't post for another 3 or 4 months... LOL
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
In the City

Well Coga and I are in Regina, for the next couple of weeks. I am staying close to home to be available with any help people need for Batoch, and my late father's Memorial Fiddling Contest.
For those who are unaware, my father passed away on Jan 1, 2009. My family is sponsoring a Memorial Fiddling Contest to celebrate his life and to honor his memory. Dad was a great and avid fiddle player, so many of my fondest memories include the sounds of a fiddle and guitar in the background.
I can re-count many instances where our family was at a gathering or Pow-wow and my old dad would be sitting at the camp site playing his fiddle. Naturally a crowd would gather and of course Dad would have made more friends!
Anyways I am up for a coffee this week if anyone is interested... Thanks and have a Great Day all!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Back to Reality...
The end of a wonderful and well deserved vacation, this last week was truly a great time…
We took it easy and lazed about swimming and watching television for most of the day, later in the day around 5:30 we went down to the beach and hung out around the ocean. Apparently there was a 5.4 Magnitude Earth Quake, we didn’t feel a thing…
More beach and hangin out downtown at Coronado City… Grabbed a picnic lunch and had a meal by the ocean. Rented a double seat Tram bike, however it went bad when Coga had an accident and got his foot caught in the spokes! Lesson Learned: Never try to get off a moving vehicle, and always, always listen to mama! More swimming at the hotel, then relaxed and watched a Shrek 3 movie on the big screen at the Hotel… Lowes is a great kid friendly hotel for anyone who is interested in vacationing with children. Coga was actually wishing to go to the “Kids Club” (babysitting service)!
And while I’m sounding off about Lowes I want to give a shout out to Sam & Jessica at the Market Café who are the friendliest and helpful staff members at the hotel! I truly appreciate the way in which they got to know my son and I, and greeted us for breakfast everyday!
And of course I cannot forget “Cory” our first friend here on vacation! I want to say thanks and when you come to Regina, give us a call and we will show you our Canada, from a 1st perspective!
Wow! So it all begins with us going for our brekkie at the Market Café and then off with Cory to the Ferry landing. We went on the USS Midway Tour! I didn’t think it was possible but it took the whole day! What a huge ship! Wow! There is so much to see! I will post pics in a slide show when I get home as I have no adapter, (opps)…
Then we went to the ferry landing and got some Taco Bell and had a picnic on the beach. Coga made some friends once again and played in the surf! Then back to the room and back to the pool, then off to bed and fly out in the morning…
As I write this we are in the Lowes Lobby waiting for our faithful driver Cory to take us to the airport… Then it’s fly out and off to real life… sigh… at least we’ll always have our memories! Coga want’s to come back next year, and next year we’ll know what to expect!
Ok so now I’m on the plane, landing at Regina, guess I’ll be home in a few minutes back to the soil of Southern Saskatchewan… Missed my friends family and pets… Buddy n Mooch…
It’s good to be home… safe n sound…
Wait is there really a Tornado Watch for today????????????????
We took it easy and lazed about swimming and watching television for most of the day, later in the day around 5:30 we went down to the beach and hung out around the ocean. Apparently there was a 5.4 Magnitude Earth Quake, we didn’t feel a thing…
More beach and hangin out downtown at Coronado City… Grabbed a picnic lunch and had a meal by the ocean. Rented a double seat Tram bike, however it went bad when Coga had an accident and got his foot caught in the spokes! Lesson Learned: Never try to get off a moving vehicle, and always, always listen to mama! More swimming at the hotel, then relaxed and watched a Shrek 3 movie on the big screen at the Hotel… Lowes is a great kid friendly hotel for anyone who is interested in vacationing with children. Coga was actually wishing to go to the “Kids Club” (babysitting service)!
And while I’m sounding off about Lowes I want to give a shout out to Sam & Jessica at the Market Café who are the friendliest and helpful staff members at the hotel! I truly appreciate the way in which they got to know my son and I, and greeted us for breakfast everyday!
And of course I cannot forget “Cory” our first friend here on vacation! I want to say thanks and when you come to Regina, give us a call and we will show you our Canada, from a 1st perspective!
Wow! So it all begins with us going for our brekkie at the Market Café and then off with Cory to the Ferry landing. We went on the USS Midway Tour! I didn’t think it was possible but it took the whole day! What a huge ship! Wow! There is so much to see! I will post pics in a slide show when I get home as I have no adapter, (opps)…
Then we went to the ferry landing and got some Taco Bell and had a picnic on the beach. Coga made some friends once again and played in the surf! Then back to the room and back to the pool, then off to bed and fly out in the morning…
As I write this we are in the Lowes Lobby waiting for our faithful driver Cory to take us to the airport… Then it’s fly out and off to real life… sigh… at least we’ll always have our memories! Coga want’s to come back next year, and next year we’ll know what to expect!
Ok so now I’m on the plane, landing at Regina, guess I’ll be home in a few minutes back to the soil of Southern Saskatchewan… Missed my friends family and pets… Buddy n Mooch…
It’s good to be home… safe n sound…
Wait is there really a Tornado Watch for today????????????????
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
crazy week
Wow what a hectic week! On Friday July 2, I had a most eventful day.
1. After a whole week of gathering support and building a web site I submitted an appeal for a re-election of our Band’s Chief & Council...
2. Got home and found my bedroom things completely re-located – apparently my lease is up and I am required to move… so my landlady took it upon herself to move all my belongings to my motorhome. Classic scene from any comedy, my landlady is my mom and I’m 41 years old… LOL
3. Then at 5:18 pm a F3 Tornado Raged through my unexpecting little community and devestated nearly all the homes in the Bay at the end of my street. We were fortunate we were unscathed.
4. At 10:18 PM my family fled the impending disaster as we discovered that there were 3 other Tornado’s in the area and an alert was posted, we drove fast to Regina and stayed at my sister’s house.
Saturday July 3 – Regina
On Saturday morning the whole event seemed surreal, I mean you read about disasters abroad or happening to strangers, It never happens to me! So all day I was in a Daze! I ended up meeting my brother’s grandson for the 1st time, he truly is a cutie lil Munroe… I went out and got travel medical insurance, I also got last minute items for my trip… It’s a good thing in my excitement to leave that I was pre-packed what with my room disappearing and the tornado, I would not have had a thing to leave with… hell I couldn’t even find my toothpaste…
Anyways I got to sleep about 10:00 pm and woke up 3 times during the night…
Sunday July 4 – San Diego
We got up at 4:30 am and left the airport at 6:00 am – Got to the Lowes Coronado Resort Spa at 2:00 pm… Long Day, hectic week, we ended up crashing out by 8:00 pm… Not much excitement other than plane turbulence and witnessing Coga’s excitement as the plane took off… He was screaming “Butterflys! Butterflys! Butterflys!” the whole way taking off! When we got to the airport we met Cory a Town car driver who was quite helpful with our adventure! Then when we arrived at the hotel, we hit the pool and then exhausted had a snoring session, completely missing all the Independence Day Celebrations around us…
Monday July 5 – San Diego – Lego Land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The day my son has been waiting for his entire young life… We set out at 7:00 am. Cory the same driver who picked us up from the airport, drove us to Lego Land and picked us up. The whole park is quite amazing, I think we went on only 4 rides, mostly my son enjoyed interacting and playing with the other kids making structures and building stuff… there was racing, and driving cars and being in a Nerf – blaster house where he shot at other guys (anyone who knows him knows this is right up his alley) then there was the WATER PARK!!!! 3 hours at the water park! Totally the best part of the day! And then some more rides and shopping! Exhausting… but totally worth it!
Tuesday July 6 – Tijuanna Mexico!
We left for the pier at 7:15 am and were ½ hour early, so we waited and just hung out! When the bus got there we met our driver Juan and left… Juan told us many things about the Mexican history of Tijuanna and also of the Culture. We went down town and entered a shopping Market place… very high priced for what I expected… Getting through the border was very intimidating…. The Border Officer we spoke to did a thing where he looked at our Passports, swiped them and then seemed to consider them for about 5 minutes. We provided our Treaty Status Cards and he asked what they were? So I informed him and then he asked my son if he spoke his language, so my son told him yes he did, then finally after much scrutiny he let us pass… too stressful!
When we got back from Tijuanna, we went on the Big Splash – Bus/Boat Tour to visit the seals in the San Diego Bay… we were able to see the Marines base and watch the helecopters fly overhead…
Took a ferry ride home and then a taxi back to the resort… Another exhausting day…
Wednesday July 7 – Today…
Sat here and blogged, my son is playing in the room, we are just chillin, probably go out in a bit for a bite to eat then out to tour some things on our 3 day Go Card…
Should be ok…
I will blog more later…
1. After a whole week of gathering support and building a web site I submitted an appeal for a re-election of our Band’s Chief & Council...
2. Got home and found my bedroom things completely re-located – apparently my lease is up and I am required to move… so my landlady took it upon herself to move all my belongings to my motorhome. Classic scene from any comedy, my landlady is my mom and I’m 41 years old… LOL
3. Then at 5:18 pm a F3 Tornado Raged through my unexpecting little community and devestated nearly all the homes in the Bay at the end of my street. We were fortunate we were unscathed.
4. At 10:18 PM my family fled the impending disaster as we discovered that there were 3 other Tornado’s in the area and an alert was posted, we drove fast to Regina and stayed at my sister’s house.
Saturday July 3 – Regina
On Saturday morning the whole event seemed surreal, I mean you read about disasters abroad or happening to strangers, It never happens to me! So all day I was in a Daze! I ended up meeting my brother’s grandson for the 1st time, he truly is a cutie lil Munroe… I went out and got travel medical insurance, I also got last minute items for my trip… It’s a good thing in my excitement to leave that I was pre-packed what with my room disappearing and the tornado, I would not have had a thing to leave with… hell I couldn’t even find my toothpaste…
Anyways I got to sleep about 10:00 pm and woke up 3 times during the night…
Sunday July 4 – San Diego
We got up at 4:30 am and left the airport at 6:00 am – Got to the Lowes Coronado Resort Spa at 2:00 pm… Long Day, hectic week, we ended up crashing out by 8:00 pm… Not much excitement other than plane turbulence and witnessing Coga’s excitement as the plane took off… He was screaming “Butterflys! Butterflys! Butterflys!” the whole way taking off! When we got to the airport we met Cory a Town car driver who was quite helpful with our adventure! Then when we arrived at the hotel, we hit the pool and then exhausted had a snoring session, completely missing all the Independence Day Celebrations around us…
Monday July 5 – San Diego – Lego Land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The day my son has been waiting for his entire young life… We set out at 7:00 am. Cory the same driver who picked us up from the airport, drove us to Lego Land and picked us up. The whole park is quite amazing, I think we went on only 4 rides, mostly my son enjoyed interacting and playing with the other kids making structures and building stuff… there was racing, and driving cars and being in a Nerf – blaster house where he shot at other guys (anyone who knows him knows this is right up his alley) then there was the WATER PARK!!!! 3 hours at the water park! Totally the best part of the day! And then some more rides and shopping! Exhausting… but totally worth it!
Tuesday July 6 – Tijuanna Mexico!
We left for the pier at 7:15 am and were ½ hour early, so we waited and just hung out! When the bus got there we met our driver Juan and left… Juan told us many things about the Mexican history of Tijuanna and also of the Culture. We went down town and entered a shopping Market place… very high priced for what I expected… Getting through the border was very intimidating…. The Border Officer we spoke to did a thing where he looked at our Passports, swiped them and then seemed to consider them for about 5 minutes. We provided our Treaty Status Cards and he asked what they were? So I informed him and then he asked my son if he spoke his language, so my son told him yes he did, then finally after much scrutiny he let us pass… too stressful!
When we got back from Tijuanna, we went on the Big Splash – Bus/Boat Tour to visit the seals in the San Diego Bay… we were able to see the Marines base and watch the helecopters fly overhead…
Took a ferry ride home and then a taxi back to the resort… Another exhausting day…
Wednesday July 7 – Today…
Sat here and blogged, my son is playing in the room, we are just chillin, probably go out in a bit for a bite to eat then out to tour some things on our 3 day Go Card…
Should be ok…
I will blog more later…
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Yep tis true, I am stirring the pot, something must be done in my community! We tolerate alot, but that must end, it's time for our people to rise up and say NO MORE!
Meetings and Perdiems, Renovations on Band Council Members Homes while our Elders suffer in unlivable conditions!
Has anyone ever visited my auntie Dorothy? She has raw sewage in her basement, it's been like that for a year! Yet one newly elected band councilman has found it in the budget for New Siding on his home!
What about the roads??? Is it too much to ask that we at least have some fresh gravel?
When are they going to care for us? I have been waiting...
I am done waiting...
The watch dog must be on gaurd! Check out the new website at: www.atim-o-chisk.yolasite.com
I hope we can make an effective change! Creator willing!
Meetings and Perdiems, Renovations on Band Council Members Homes while our Elders suffer in unlivable conditions!
Has anyone ever visited my auntie Dorothy? She has raw sewage in her basement, it's been like that for a year! Yet one newly elected band councilman has found it in the budget for New Siding on his home!
What about the roads??? Is it too much to ask that we at least have some fresh gravel?
When are they going to care for us? I have been waiting...
I am done waiting...
The watch dog must be on gaurd! Check out the new website at: www.atim-o-chisk.yolasite.com
I hope we can make an effective change! Creator willing!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Surfin at Safeway
So here we are sitting at Safeway enjoying a nice smoothie listening to Toni Basil's very only 1980's Iconic "Mickey"! Ahhhhh the good life! We are currently checking out this free wifi hotspot and just doing some catch up on the net...
I am sitting here hummin along to good ol "Mickey" - O Mickey your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind hey mickey!.... hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm
Anyways all is well I got a video up on you tube now called Pow-wow Tyme if anyone would like to check it out, it's my lil puppet show... My channel is: brainyass1250
thats about it...
ta ta!
I am sitting here hummin along to good ol "Mickey" - O Mickey your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind hey mickey!.... hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm
Anyways all is well I got a video up on you tube now called Pow-wow Tyme if anyone would like to check it out, it's my lil puppet show... My channel is: brainyass1250
thats about it...
ta ta!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Happy Graduation Just-Ice!
Well last night we went out and celebrated with Just-ice for her Graduation! I must say that she looked exquisite in her dress. I would like to say to you just-ice I hope that you have great success in you future endeavors. Remember, this is a graduation not a retirement, so that means you gotta keep working and you will be successful in all areas of life, also I am proud of you!
Ok So now that is said and done, I am still in "getting" ready mode, for the big trip South... Coga and I are getting all our gear together and making ready to go to San Diego... cannot wait... 10 Days! The count down begins!
Ok So now that is said and done, I am still in "getting" ready mode, for the big trip South... Coga and I are getting all our gear together and making ready to go to San Diego... cannot wait... 10 Days! The count down begins!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Winding Down or up?
Well we (I & my son) are winding down here at the school, and were winding up at home! We are currently getting ready to pull up stakes and travel! Our first destination is San Diego, we will be there by the Fourth of July, just in time for the Independence Day Celebrations that will take place in that great city! While we are there we plan on heading to Hollywood, and take a time out to Tijuana! Cannot wait!
We will be setting out soon!
We will be setting out soon!
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Well it's that time again for Brass Enterprise (ie: Lakota & I) to hit the road!!! We are gearing up for our Fall Tour, if you'd like more information visit our New Brass Enterprise Webisite!!! at: www.brassenterprise.ca or send us an e-mail: annie_brass@yahoo.ca if you'd like to receive your tour package by fax.
Thanks again for all your support!
Please pass this information on to others! thanks!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Stir Crazy!
Well my contract is almost up, and once again the road is waiting! My son and I are getting ready to head out and up for more adventures.
This has been a long cold winter! There are many places I yearn to see, my little one and I are getting ready for what lays ahead.
I have had people interested in buying the old RV, I have been toying with the idea of selling her, she's a good one! I have been thinking of getting a truck and 5er, I want to put a wood stove in it... I know! I know! it's not possible! Well it was also not possible that a single mom can work and live full time on the road, right?
I believe that if I am meant to do this it will manifest. I also believe that I would not have such a strong compulsion to live life this way, if I was not meant to live life this way...
So in any case I am going back on the road after a long cold winter...
This has been a long cold winter! There are many places I yearn to see, my little one and I are getting ready for what lays ahead.
I have had people interested in buying the old RV, I have been toying with the idea of selling her, she's a good one! I have been thinking of getting a truck and 5er, I want to put a wood stove in it... I know! I know! it's not possible! Well it was also not possible that a single mom can work and live full time on the road, right?
I believe that if I am meant to do this it will manifest. I also believe that I would not have such a strong compulsion to live life this way, if I was not meant to live life this way...
So in any case I am going back on the road after a long cold winter...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tribute to Dr. David Ahenakew
I first remember meeting Mr. Ahenakew when I was a little wee girl known as Mrs Chicken. Mr. Ahenakew was my dad's (Sterling Brass) good friend, I mostly remember he and my dad joking and laughing, always teasing one another. I did not know that both Men were warriors of the Native People of Canada. I did not know that they would both change the world we live in. I did not know that they would both spark a new era for First Nations rights and freedoms. To me, little old Mrs. Chicken, Mr. Ahenakew was my dad's friend.
I am sad on this day to know that one of the Great Warriors of the First Nations People of Canada has been laid to rest. I am however compelled to say this, Mr. Ahenakew fought courageously for his people and the things he believed in, and for that I am thankful.
My deepest condolences to the whole Atakakoop First Nation and the Ahenakew Family, I will always and forever cherish those memories from my childhood and I will always be grateful for the many sacrifices that were made by your Okima.
Thank you.
I am sad on this day to know that one of the Great Warriors of the First Nations People of Canada has been laid to rest. I am however compelled to say this, Mr. Ahenakew fought courageously for his people and the things he believed in, and for that I am thankful.
My deepest condolences to the whole Atakakoop First Nation and the Ahenakew Family, I will always and forever cherish those memories from my childhood and I will always be grateful for the many sacrifices that were made by your Okima.
Thank you.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Writing, and more writing
So I have been composing stories for most of my life. As a child I often gave life to adventure in my minds eye! I would always tell tall tales to my family and friends, often feeling quite accomplished for having them believe these stories.
Well this skill, although not every parents dream for their child, finally became useful. I have taken advantage of my over active imagination and have begun drafting a book of my favorite stories. I have included a story about the legend of Big Foot, How the birds pull up the sun and my most cherished stories of my lovable old Gran and her brood.
Now I don't think I'm about to win any Pulitzer or have any offers for major motion pictures, however this book of mine will provide entertainment and giggles for those who read it up.
Anyways I'm not done with the writing but I'm getting warmed up! And as a side bar, has anyone noticed that we finally got our snow in Saskatchwan? All in one shot there were snow banks taller than our house on last Sunday... Whewweee...
Well this skill, although not every parents dream for their child, finally became useful. I have taken advantage of my over active imagination and have begun drafting a book of my favorite stories. I have included a story about the legend of Big Foot, How the birds pull up the sun and my most cherished stories of my lovable old Gran and her brood.
Now I don't think I'm about to win any Pulitzer or have any offers for major motion pictures, however this book of mine will provide entertainment and giggles for those who read it up.
Anyways I'm not done with the writing but I'm getting warmed up! And as a side bar, has anyone noticed that we finally got our snow in Saskatchwan? All in one shot there were snow banks taller than our house on last Sunday... Whewweee...
Monday, January 11, 2010
Ok so I am not going to be working in June, I am attempting to get some work on the back burners so I can do this on the road thing... I am currently working on getting into comedy school... perhaps lining up some workshops, and possibly doing a few puppet shows. I am also working on creating new puppets, and some art ideas... Lots to do...sigh...
Ok as for the new year, I've made a resolution to get on the road and take off some weight... I know I'm hot and don't really need to but... perhaps I won't run out of breath chasing my child... LOL
What now? I don't know just hanging in there... If anyone needs a comedian for any event let me know... Just leave a post on here!
Take care out there!
Ok as for the new year, I've made a resolution to get on the road and take off some weight... I know I'm hot and don't really need to but... perhaps I won't run out of breath chasing my child... LOL
What now? I don't know just hanging in there... If anyone needs a comedian for any event let me know... Just leave a post on here!
Take care out there!
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