Ok , Ok , so I am gonna do it!!!!
I have been sitting here on the rez, (for those who are not up to my slang, the rez is short for First Nation Reserve or as my southern counterparts call it Native American Reservation) awaiting the day when I will once again embark on my adventures and travels.
During the last 5 years I have been here abiding my time, I have learned many things. I was able to develop more skills that will assist me on my adventures. I know that as I travel it will not be an easy thing to do, leaving friends, family and familiarity, however I long for adventure! I want to meet more people, learn more about my world, share the adventure with my son! We are ready!
As for all my critter friends, I figure if a circus can travel with their animals, I can travel with mine!
It's Go time!
Universe we are ready to embark!!! |
Mooch Anaise |
Coga Brass |
Annie Brass |
Queen Peebs
Anna-bell, Mooch & PBK (Queen Peebs) - The Pride of Moogurs |
The Dog-gone-it's!!!! Happenstance & Puppenstance
The only Dog-gone-it missing is Meeka but this is how she looks, kinda... LOL
See you on the road!!!