Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yes I have a blog

So I tell my buddy the other day... hmmmm I gotta put that one in my blog (what ever it was I completely forgot though) then she says to me!!! YOU???????? have a BLOG?????? Like I'm completely not supposed to... well I do I have a blog! hmmmph... ok so now thats out of the way...

Kay... so I survived the road trip to Canyon/ Vegas... Wow it was a whole lot of fun! I walked the strip until my feet ached... I shopped (more like wished) and I enjoyed some of the finer nite clubs that Vegas had to offer.

I didn't marry Chris Angel or The Rock like my son wanted me to, he is however ok with that... for now.

The trip home was fast as once again we became super maniac drivers and drove all night, only stopping for gas and personal relief breaks. So we broke our 1st feat of 24 hours and arrived in 20 hours... I actually was speeding this time.

Anyways it was a blast and next all girl adventure will be Mardi Gras next year!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks American Daze, I'm feeling very affirmed right now to know that other folks actually read this blog of mine! Cool thanks...!


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